UK Library of Things

Why buy when you can borrow instead?


This website is currently a placeholder, created by IT Norwich Ltd.

We're planning to provide signposting, support and hosting to organisations and groups that wish to set up their own Library of Things.

If you do embark on a project and come up against any technical problems that you need IT support with, we might be able to give you a bit of free remote support and advice to get you up and running using a Project Sponsorship (see

 The most common setup help needed may relate to:

Domain Name Transfers & Editing DNS Records.

Setting Up Domain names & Email Hosting

If you are a registered charity we can help you get free Microsoft 365 Mailboxes and Software.

Particularly technical aspects of software.

If you are considering setting up a Library of things, please call Stuart on 01603 554000 for a quick chat, or submit an enquiry via this enquiry form:


Other Resources:

Ethical Consumer - Libraries of Things Directory

My Turn - Library of Things Software

Library of Things Ltd  - Solution Provider



Borrowing things instead of buying them can be beneficial for the planet in several ways:

Reduces resource consumption: When you borrow items, you can share resources with others instead of each person owning their own. This reduces the demand for new products to be manufactured, which in turn reduces the consumption of raw materials, energy, and water resources. By minimising resource extraction and production, borrowing helps conserve natural resources and reduces the environmental impact associated with their extraction.

Decreases waste generation: Borrowing reduces the amount of waste generated because items are used by multiple people over their lifespan. Many products end up in landfills when they are no longer needed or become outdated. By borrowing instead of buying, you can extend the life cycle of items and prevent them from becoming waste prematurely.

Reduces manufacturing emissions: The production of goods often involves energy-intensive processes that contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. By borrowing instead of buying, you decrease the demand for new items, which leads to reduced manufacturing activities and, subsequently, lower emissions associated with production.

Promotes a circular economy: Borrowing encourages a shift towards a circular economy model, where resources are utilized more efficiently and waste is minimized. In a circular economy, items are kept in use for as long as possible through sharing, repair, and reuse. By participating in borrowing systems, you contribute to this circular flow, reducing the need for constant production and disposal. Encourages sustainable consumption: Borrowing encourages a shift in mindset from ownership to access. Instead of acquiring items that may only be needed occasionally, you can borrow them when necessary and return them when finished. This reduces the demand for unnecessary purchases and helps promote a more sustainable and mindful approach to consumption.

Supports community and social connections: Borrowing often occurs within local communities or through sharing platforms, which fosters social interactions and strengthens community bonds. Building these connections can lead to more sustainable practices beyond borrowing, such as sharing other resources, carpooling, or engaging in local initiatives focused on environmental conservation.

Overall, borrowing instead of buying promotes resource efficiency, waste reduction, and sustainable consumption patterns. By embracing the sharing economy and actively participating in borrowing systems, you can contribute to a more sustainable future for our planet.

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